Friday, January 7, 2011

Blogging for education

This post is a discussion regarding the role of blogging in the educational setting.  There is an abundance of reading out there at the click of the search button.  First and foremost...some of my own thoughts about it. 
We are a technology driven world.  Most of the younger generation (I am 46) are so much more technology savvy then I am, and I consider myself pretty capable on my computer.  Never the less, blogging is new thing for me... 
The internet has provided an avenue for people of all ages with communication disabilities or social phobias to participate in society without the anxiety of not being able to find the words, or make eye contact with the person they talk with or, in the case of blogging, participate in information exchange without the necessary construction of a conversation.  I have an autistic son that has a very difficult time having a conversation yet is brilliant at negotiating a computer.  For students like him, the internet has provided learning opportunities within a comfort zone. 
One particular article I found, which was contributed by Mollie Crie, an educator with Bedord County Schools in Forest, Virgina cited four basic functions of a blog:
1.  Classroom managment
2.  Collarboration
3.  Discussion
4.  Student Portfolios
For a student who would benefit from a more individualized learning platform, a blog could serve a multi-faceted purpose in the ability to organize information critical to a subject, and secure direction without having to participate in a face to face conversation, which, for students like my son, can be excruciatingly difficult.  The opportunity to access information on demand, also allows for any schedule the student might need to adhere to. 
This blog subject could take up several pages...but for me, in my immediate opinion, I will conclude this as something that opens opportunity for students that struggle with a standard, historical method of delivery inside of a classroom.


  1. Isn't it nice when someone provides us with a short compact list, like four uses for blogs in education. It's a great way to start. We'll discover more uses with time but let's avoid the overwhelming possibilities at first. I will breathe easier now, only four.

  2. Lisa, the thing I was thinking about today was using the blog as a record of student's research process and what they are learning along the way. The idea would be that they could look at these entries at the end of the term and see that yes, they did learn things, and yes, they've come a long way! Do you think that's an appropriate use for a blog? It's sort of a short-term use, similar to the portfolios, but also like a learning journal.

  3. Yes...and as I learned more today from reading, I see the benefit of a blog as a journaling tool. It certainly would be appropriate and beneficial for a teacher. I touched on it alittle in my assessment blog and referenced one that really influenced my feeling about the effectiveness of utilizing one in a classroom.
